SnapDevelop |
Other |
2021 |
1288 |
Failed to update DataWindow/DataStore with large number of data set, because the .NET Core SDK version installed with in the SnapDevelop installer has a bug. Using a newer version of .NET Core SDK will resolve the issue.
SnapDevelop |
SnapDevelop IDE |
2021 |
1288 |
When converting a database to C# models in DB Server Explorer, the StringLength(2)] attribute is not generated in C# properties.
SnapDevelop |
SnapDevelop IDE |
2021 |
1288 |
When setting up a database connection to the local instance of SQL Server, the following error occurs: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The wait operation timed out.)"
SnapDevelop |
Scaffolding |
2021 |
1288 |
When model starts with letter "i", the scaffolded controller drops the leading i.
SnapDevelop |
SnapDevelop IDE |
2021 |
1288 |
When a DataWindow based on stored procedure is converted to the C# model, the output type parameter of the procedure in the package is not obtained and the data retrieval failed.
SnapDevelop |
SnapDevelop IDE |
2021 |
1288 |
When converting a database to C# models in DB Server Explorer, the fields using user defined type ("domain") , will be missing.
SnapDevelop |
SnapDevelop IDE |
2021 |
1288 |
When converting a database to C# models in DB Server Explorer, the nullable fields are exported to non-nullable C# properties.
SnapDevelop |
Other |
2021 |
1288 |
The wrong database connection string is saved to the profile when publishing the Web API using the Web Deploy method.