What's New in 2022 R2

This release introduces many new objects and controls to enable developers to rapidly build feature-rich client/server and Cloud apps with strengthened security.

Other Enhancements

Various other enhancements have been made to PowerBuilder 2022 R2 to boost the security, database compatibility, and productivity of the IDE of all project types.

Database Compatibility

Supports Microsoft SQL Server 2022, Oracle 23ai and PostgreSQL 15, IBM DB2 is also supported in Cloud Deployment.

Identity in Oracle

The identity column has been supported in DataWindow & SQL statements for all supported Oracle versions.

Updated DB Driver

ADO.NET database drivers are upgraded to .NET 6 for high-performing and secure connection to Oracle, SQL Server, and ODBC data source.

TLS 1.3

Your data access can be secured with TLS 1.3 for SQL Server 2022, ensuring stronger protection and better TLS performance.

Windows Authentication

Windows Authentication is now supported by the HTTPClient, providing API access with increased security. Users can seamlessly access internet resources using predefined authentication schema and credentials.

TDS 8.0

Encrypt all your SQL Server communications with TDS 8.0, which offers better data security, compatibility with TLS 1.3, and network management.

Streamlined Deployment

Eliminating the need to deploy client apps and Web APIs separately. With just one click, you can deploy your app to an IIS server, saving time and hassle.

Ultra-fast Compilation

A cursory build option has been added to allow developers to quickly validate fixes without waiting for a full build.

Simplified Distribution

Generate the package file for the whole installable cloud apps (client app and the Web API app) in one shot and publish the app to a remote server or container with ease.

Git/SVN Source Control

Directly access Git/SVN source control functions from the library painter. Actions performed will be automatically synced to the System Tree, making source control easier and more efficient.

Migration Assistant

Has been enhanced to report all discontinued and obsolete features, taking the guesswork out of the upgrade process.