Protect SQL Execution
Unlike typical client/server architecture, all SQLs & DataWindow data access are automatically partitioned into .NET managed code, and executed safely on the server behind the firewall.
Protect Database Connections
The client device no longer has direct access to the database. Data access is performed through industry-standard REST Web APIs. All sensitive database connection info (including user ID, password, DB connection string, etc.) are also moved to the server side.
Authenticate with IDP
Secure your apps with built-in or third-party auth services such as OAuth, JWT, AWS Cognito, and Azure Active Directory. Only minimal code changes are required to adapt your existing authorization process for various leading technologies.
Validate App Integrity
With just a few configuration steps, you can deter unauthorized modification of your app through app encryption, app signing, and app integrity checking. Source code cannot be readily decompiled or application files hijacked.
Encrypt with TLS 1.3
With just a few configuration steps, all HTTP communications can be protected by the latest Web security protocols, such as TLS 1.3. TLS 1.3 supports stronger cipher suites and forbids “renegotiation”.
Comply with IT Policies
No elevated privileges, such as administrator accounts or laxed UAC settings, are required to install or run the client app. The client app can be pre-installed as an .MSI, or the end user can easily install themselves by simply clicking a hyperlink.
Getting Started is Easy
Deploy Your Apps to the Cloud in Five Steps