Appeon provides its own tools and plug-ins to configure an Appeon Server cluster and implement the load balancing and failover functionalities. An Appeon Server cluster is essentially a group of WebSphere Application Server, each with Appeon Server and Appeon plug-in installed.

Generally speaking, there are 4 steps for configuring an Appeon Server cluster:

1. Install Appeon Server to each WebSphere Application Server/each EA Server.

2. Configure the Web server for the Appeon Server cluster.

Please refer to the "Web Server Configuration Guide | Configuring Apache 2.0/2.2 | Configuring for single Appeon Server | Configuring Windows Apache 2.0/2.2 + Windows WebLogic" and "Web Server Configuration Guide | Configuring Apache 2.0/2.2 | Configuring for Appeon Server Cluster | Configuring Apache 2.0/2.2 with J2EE servers".

3. Install the Appeon Server Web Component into the Web server.

4. Configure Appeon Server cluster in AEM Console > Server Properties > Cluster.

5. Deploy the application to the Appeon Server cluster and Web server(s).

   Please make sure the application has been deployed to every Appeon server in the cluster, and please select multiple Appeon servers in the Deployment Profile in Appeon Developer.