
Two new controls, RibbonBar and WebBrowser, are added in PowerBuilder 2019 R2. However, when users try to use the resize feature in appeon_workarounds.pbl, they cannot resize these two new controls.

Reproducing the Issue

Try to resize RibbonBar by using the resize feature in appeon_workarounds.pbl. But the code below doesn’t take effect.


inv_resize.of_register( rbb_1, "ScaleToRight")


The code in appeon_workarounds.pbl doesn’t process these two newly added objects.


In the eon_appeon_resize.of_typeof() function of appeon_workarounds.pbl, change the code below:

Choose Case awo_control.TypeOf()

            Case  checkbox!, commandbutton!, datawindow!, dropdownlistbox!, dropdownpicturelistbox!, &

                                    editmask!, graph!, groupbox!, hprogressbar!, hscrollbar!, htrackbar!, listbox!,  &

                                    listview!, multilineedit!, olecontrol!, olecustomcontrol!, omcontrol!, omcustomcontrol!,  &

                                    omembeddedcontrol!, picture!, picturebutton!, picturehyperlink!, picturelistbox!,  &

                                    radiobutton!, richtextedit!, singlelineedit!, statichyperlink!, statictext!,  &

                                    tab!, treeview!, userobject!, vprogressbar!, vscrollbar!, vtrackbar!, monthcalendar!, datepicker!, inkpicture!

To this code below:

Choose Case awo_control.TypeOf()

            Case  checkbox!, commandbutton!, datawindow!, dropdownlistbox!, dropdownpicturelistbox!, &

                                    editmask!, graph!, groupbox!, hprogressbar!, hscrollbar!, htrackbar!, listbox!,  &

                                    listview!, multilineedit!, olecontrol!, olecustomcontrol!, omcontrol!, omcustomcontrol!,  &

                                    omembeddedcontrol!, picture!, picturebutton!, picturehyperlink!, picturelistbox!,  &

                                    radiobutton!, richtextedit!, singlelineedit!, statichyperlink!, statictext!,  &

                                    tab!, treeview!, userobject!, vprogressbar!, vscrollbar!, vtrackbar!, monthcalendar!, datepicker!, inkpicture!, RibbonBar!,WebBrowser!