Using PowerBuilder and the datastore.find() is returning the incorrect row number.
From the PowerBuilder online help:
Find - finds the next row in a DataWindow or Datastore in which data meets a specified condition
long datastore.Find ( stringexpression, longstart, longend )
- PowerBuilder
Reproducing the Issue
The following code was used to reproduce the issue:
ds_mast = ids_route_master
ll_rows = ads_stops.rowcount()
forll_count = 1 to ll_rows
ls_route_num = adw_stops.getitemstring(ll_count,'route_num')
ll_stop_id = adw_stops.getitemnumber(ll_count,'stop_id')
ll_find = ds_mast.find("route_num = '" + ls_route_num + "' and stop_id = " + string(ll_stop_id),ll_find,ds_mast_rowcount()+1)
Datastore.find() was returning the incorrect row because of this line of code:
ds_mast = ids_route_master
The datastore was being copied to another datastore but the 'internal' pointer stored in
ids_route_master is copied to ds_mast.
Used the Rowscopy to copy the data from the ids_route_masterdatastore to the ds_mastdatastore.
ids_route_master.RowsCopy(ids_route_master.GetRow(), ids_route_master.RowCount(), Primary!, ds_mast, 1, Primary!)