Developer deployment slowly or Package install application slowly(or have the error message 02004: Format returned from Appeon Server is incorrect.)

Solution: Please according to the following steps to turn the Appeon developer deployment performance.

 1. Go to the C:\Program Files\Appeon\Developer6.5\AppeonDev.ini to add the following parameter.




BatchDWSynLen= 10000000

BatchDWSynNum= 200

BatchDWSqlNum= 800


TraceLevel=0// If the value is “1”, will generate a deployment log file(e.g.  the DeployWizardLog_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml under C:\Program Files \Appeon\Developer6.5\Project\your application name\release\LOG)

//You can customer define those red parameter according to your application and server hardware performance.

2. Modify the IIS web.config xml file.

Step 1:  Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon\AEM, and add the following highlighted codes in the web.config XML file. By default, the value of the Execution Timeout is 100 seconds, and the value of the Max Request Length is 4096K. You can use larger value for the Execution Timeout and the Max Request Length properties according to the specific needs.



  <httpRuntime executionTimeout='30000'maxRequestLength = "102400" />

