
When you activate PowerBuilder/InfoMaker with an offline license, it reports the error “The response string is invalid” when you paste the Server Response String back to IDE.

The response string is invalid




Cause 1

The Server Response String expires because:

1. It has been used.

2. The 20-day valid period has run up.

Resolution 1

Generate a new Client Request String from IDE to get a new Server Response String from the Appeon Website.

Cause 2

The Server Response String is incomplete or is not for this machine.

Resolution 2

Use the correct Server Response String on the correct machine or generate a new Client Request String from IDE to get a new Server Response String from the Appeon Website.

Cause 3

There are non-ASCII characters in the Server Response String you paste back to IDE. You can judge easily from how the lines make word-wrap before the lines are fulfilled in the Server Response input field as shown in the following screenshot.

Server Response Field

Resolution 3

Make sure the file you use to carry the Server Response String is always in UTF-8 format and zip the file if you need to transfer it from one computer to another computer.

Note: If you lost the Server Response String, you can always generate the Client Request and get the Server Response String from Appeon website again, as long as the Client Request is generated from the same machine.