What is Appeon FileService

Appeon provides a non-visual object, AppeonFileService object, with five functions for uploading files to and downloading files from the file server. This is a web-based solution, and it does not work in your client/server application.


Two steps to implement uploading and downloading files

You should follow the steps below to implement uploading and downloading files:

Step 1: Configure and deploy the file server by following the instructions in the below link:


Step 2: Upload and downloading files by following the instructions in the below link:



If there’re any errors please refer to the following corresponding solutions

1) If Appeon FileService doesn't work with the Domain Service Account, please refer to the article in the below link.


2) If there's an error when installing Fileservice, please refer to the article in the below link:


3) Please refer to the following article in the below link to install or run MSI files as Administrator in Windows 8 and 8.1:



How to debug the Appeon FileService when there’s an error

1. Take the advantage of the Appeon FileService log (for example in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\fileservice\AppeonFileService.log) to study and analyze the error.

2. Try to log into the file server and download/upload files using the attached case – testFS.zip (created with PB11.5) and see what error would occur. If have error information, please send these information to support@appeon.com for further study and analysis.


Example of using Appeon FileService

Check the PDF files that are uploaded to the server in an application:

1) For PowerBuilder and Appeon Web, please use the inet object to open the URL, or please try Microsoft Web Browser Control (OLE).

Inet inet_base
inet_base = create inet


2) For Appeon Mobile, please use the inet object to open the URL, or please try the Appeon Webview object (it is a visual object, and please add it to your window object first).


If Appeon FileService cannot meet your requests, you can use the FTP service instead. Attached the ftpclient.zip for your reference.

testfs.zip252.46 KB