Learn how the Scrum framework can be used in PowerBuilder projects, in the same way as in more recent projects. Topics covered include: introduction to Scrum, The Scrum events, How Scrum can be applied on a PB application, Scrum compared to traditional project management.
Gian Luca De Bonis, CEO/CTO, Enable Development OÜ
Monday, Dec 06, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Learn how to achieve a subtle yet unmistakable modernization in the appearance of a long-standing PowerBuilder application by customizing a UI Theme to match the application's existing design aesthetic. Topics covered include: optimum formats and resolutions for image files; choosing colors; preparation of graphic assets for use in a custom UI Theme; editing theme.json.
Ronnie Po, Developer, Morpheon
Monday, Dec 06, 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM EST
Learn how to integrate Google Maps into your PowerBuilder application. Topics covered include: Google Places API summary; Place Search, Place Details and Place Photos APIs; use PowerBuilder 2021 HTTPClient and JSONParser; provide a working reusable nvo service object to access Places API.
Kevin Ridley, Managing Partner, Aomega Solutions LLC
Monday, Dec 06, 2:10 PM - 3:07 PM EST
Learn how to set up a PowerBuilder build and release pipeline using Azure DevOps. This session will show you how to automate your builds and distribute them to various environments using Azure DevOps. Topics covered include: what is CI/CD ( Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment ) ? azure DevOps as an environment defined; creating a Build Pipeline in Azure DevOps; the Challenge of PowerBuilder Integration with Azure DevOps; how OrcaScript Bridges the Gap and Allows PowerBuilder Integration: 1. What is OrcaScript.2. OrcaScript code examples; case Study - Build and Release Pipeline Built for one of our Major Customers.
Miller Rhodes, Senior Powerbuilder Architect, Intertech Consulting
Monday, Dec 06, 2:50 PM - 3:40 PM EST
Learn how to migrate your PDF functional from PowerScript to a REST APIs. Topics covered include: how to export PowerBuilder PDF documents from RichTextEdit Control, compress the data to the SQLServer through REST API, migrate the data manipulation script from PowerScript to the REST API, pull the data from the database and make it readable in the latest WebBrowser. The considerations of migration and read the documents process will also be included.
Alex Riofrio, Product Manager, DORA Sistemas
Monday, Dec 06, 3:40 PM - 4:20 PM EST
Learn more about how to reduce the footprint of the PowerBuilder Foundation Class library (PFC) to a more manageable level for inclusion in existing PowerBuilder applications. Topics covered include: explore how to reduce the library objects, integrate the library, and migrate existing windows to take advantage of the PFC.
Matthew Balent, Programmer Analyst, Concentra
Monday, Dec 06, 4:20 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Learn examples and techniques of manipulating and connecting visual objects on a datawindow and between datawindows using the mouse. This session will show there are methods to interact and connect with users in a simple intuitive way. Topics covered include: grabbing visual objects and moving/copying them from one datawindow to another; drawing simple lines and shapes; grabbing groups of objects and moving and copying them; arranging groups of objects into different formats; logically connect different visual objects and groups of objects using the mouse.
Buck Woolley, Developer, Dw-eXtreme
Monday, Dec 06, 5:00 PM - 6:10 PM EST
Learn how to find, report and fix security issues in the code of PowerBuilder and PowerServer applications, using Visual Expert. Topics covered include: scanning PowerBuilder & PowerScript code for security issues; locating flaws at instruction level and fixing them; producing statistics and graphs about the security of the code; drilling down to focus on specific issue types, or parts of the application; automatically scanning new builds in a Continuous Integration Workflow; generating reports to list and share issues with teammates.
Christophe Dufourmantelle, CEO, Novalys
Tuesday, Dec 07, 9:00 AM - 9:40 AM EST
Learn how to migrate DDS EAF based components from PowerBuilder to C# using PowerBuilder CloudPro’s PowerScript Migrator using the SnapDevelop IDE and/or Visual Studio IDE. Topics covered include: the steps needed to re-host these components from EAServer to IIS, changing TCP protocols from CORBA IIOP to HTTP web services, and the challenges facing organizations who wish to re-platform components developed in this framework. EAF(Enterprise Application Framework) is a common framework for PowerBuilder components hosted on EAServer. The DDS EAF was developed by to be service-oriented similar to PowerBuilder’s PFC but for the middle tier.
Donald Clayton, President, Intertech Consulting, Inc.
Tuesday, Dec 07, 9:40 AM - 10:15 AM EST
Learn how to use webbrowser to modernize PowerBuilder application. Topics covered include: how to use open source JavaScript libraries and examples to integrate JavaScript treeview, charts and 3d data visualization.
Giuseppe Moglia, CTIO, Sata Consulting
Tuesday, Dec 07, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Learn how to add updateable column(s) to your DataWindow SQL and display at runtime. Topics covered include: runtime customization of DataWindows by adding a column to a DataWindow's syntax, including changing the SQL, adding the column definition, and creating the column display. Plus, how to handle sharedata when you are adding/changing the datawindow definition.
Mike Searer, Consultant, SBT
Tuesday, Dec 07, 11:00 AM - 11:40 AM EST
Learn how to diagnose the execution of your application with the tracing and profiling capability of PowerBuilder. Topics covered include: how to configure the Trace capability within the PowerBuilder IDE and the tips on how to avoid its pitfalls; how to code trace and profile execution in your application's Powerscript so you can capture the performance of just about every line of code at runtime; tricks for how to identify the "thin ice" in your code, the vulnerable points in execution.
John Strano, Senior Developer, Intertech Consulting, Inc.
Tuesday, Dec 07, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Learn how to send WhatsApp and SMS messages from your PB applications. What is needed, technical and organizational aspects. Topics covered include: WhatsApp messaging, SMS messaging, REST API calls, Implementing chatting in WhatsApp, An alternative approach to messaging.
Gian Luca De Bonis, CEO/CTO, Enable Development OÜ
Tuesday, Dec 07, 1:45 PM - 2:15 PM EST
Learn how to retrieve and upload large documents with .NET Datastore and other tools. Topics covered include: typical usage scenarios for file operations; saving and retrieving binary data using SqlExecutor; PbBlob datatype; emailing PDF attachments; putting it all together.
Thomas Rolseth, Senior Developer, Intertech Consulting, Inc.
Tuesday, Dec 07, 2:15 PM - 3:10 PM EST
Learn techniques of how to use JSON parser object to consume JSON within PowerBuilder DataWindow/DataStore. Topics covered include: importing JSON strings, populating multiple objects from a single JSON string, parent/child datawindows, populating dropdowndatawindows, and various parsing techniques.
Matthew Balent, Programmer Analyst, Concentra
Tuesday, Dec 07, 3:10 PM - 3:50 PM EST
Learn how to create stable nvo service objects for your PowerBuilder applications. Topics covered include: using try/catch/finally blocks; passing variables as reference arguments; logging integration. Prevent memory losses and other best practices for nvo's.
Kevin Ridley, Managing Partner, Aomega Solutions LLC
Tuesday, Dec 07, 3:50 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Learn how to build and execute a single set of automated tests that will run against PowerBuilder, PowerServer and PowerClient versions of the target application. Participants will learn how to define application objects for all PowerBuilder elements with special focus on the datawindow regardless of its presentation style (Form, Grid, Group, Treeview, Tabular, etc.). Topics covered include: defining Pb application objects including the new Ribbon element; using the AscentialTest selector to navigate and interact with Pb tables; handling application startup across the different Appeon platforms (PowerBuilder, PowerServer, PowerClient); integrating automated tests with continuous integration solutions. All examples will target 2021 versions of Appeon platforms.
Brian Le Suer, CEO, Zeenyx Software, Inc
Tuesday, Dec 07, 4:30 PM - 5:35 PM EST