Learn how to use the DataWindow to C# Converter to create REST web services using PowerBuilder DataWindows. Topics covered include: how to manually create the REST services; how to create them automatically using the scaffolding option, what the DataStore and SQLModelMapper approaches are and when each should be used; how to call the REST web services from a PowerBuilder client. We'll only briefly touch on the PowerScript to C# converter as there is a separate session dedicated entirely to that.
Bruce Armstrong, Senior Developer, Integrated Data Services
Monday, Nov 16, 11:15 AM - 12:40 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to use the C# Web API Tester in SnapDevelop 2019. Topics covered include: how to test your requests in the Web API tester; viewing results; testing update methods; previewing calls and debugging.
Bruce Armstrong, Senior Developer, Integrated Data Services
Monday, Nov 16, 12:40 PM - 12:55 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to use the PowerScript to C# converter to migrate your business logic into REST services. Topics covered include: how it handles PowerBuilder specific syntax such as DataWindow interaction (Modify, Describe) and embedded SQL.
Bruce Armstrong, Senior Developer, Integrated Data Services
Monday, Nov 16, 12:55 PM - 1:10 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to do unit testing of C# projects in SnapDevelop code using xUnit. Topics covered include: an overview of what unit testing is; how to create a unit test project; how to do unit testing using live data; how to do unit testing using a mock controller, and how to do debugging using your unit tests.
Bruce Armstrong, Senior Developer, Integrated Data Services
Monday, Nov 16, 1:10 PM - 1:30 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to use DataWindow technology to build a new Web API. Topics covered include: migration process; DataWindow techniques (dynamic DataWindows, DataWindow expressions, update properties); organizing a DataWindow-based Web API, use in PB and non-PB clients.
Gian Luca De Bonis, CEO/CTO, Enable Development OÜ
Monday, Nov 16, 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn two simple techniques for containerizing and orchestrating your new or migrated applications. Upgrade your applications to a SaaS architecture easily! Topics covered include: how to create a Docker image of your app with minimal effort, perform Docker orchestration directly from SnapDevelop, publish your Docker images easily, etc.
Govinda Lopez, Appeon Technology Evangelist, Appeon
Monday, Nov 16, 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to migrate a PB application to C# using the .NET DataStore, with the "PB Open" methodology. Topics covered include: comparing the PB Open approach (that uses the .NET DataStore) with other migration approaches; case study: exploring the Web API definition, the PB-to-C# code conversion, the UI code; case study: exploring the techniques used and the best practices. By attending this session, the audience will learn an effective way to convert their applications to C# using the .NET DataStore, not at a theoretical level, but with a deep exploration of the source code (JavaScript and C#).
Gian Luca De Bonis, CEO/CTO, Enable Development OÜ
Monday, Nov 16, 2:30 PM - 2:55 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to implement a unified and combined data access layer from multiple data sources for your reports. Topics covered include: how to Connect multiples data sources using SnapOjects; how to compose a unified view using .NET DataStore, LINQ, memory caching; how to consume and filter the data by the standard interface REST-JSON.
Alex Riofrio, Product Manager, Dora SIstemas
Tuesday, Nov 17, 9:00 AM - 9:25 AM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to design a modern single-page application using .NET DataStore and a JavaScript framework. in this 2 hour practical tutorial, you will follow the instructor to implement an demo app with User Interface built in Vue.JS/Quasar and REST APIs built in SnapDevelop.
Marco Meoni, Appeon MVP, PBWink
Tuesday, Nov 17, 9:25 AM - 11:10 AM EST | Add to calendar
Learn the logging techniques in a real-world, production applications using PowerBuilder, SnapDevelop, Serilog and Seq. Topics covered include: how to send important log information from the client to the API via request headers and restclient calls; how to add Serilog and Seq to API via nuget package manager; why and how to implement the logging class & middleware; introduce the ancestor service class with overloaded logging methods; review contents of physical log file; demonstrate Seq and how to parse log information.
Thomas Rolseth, Senior Developer, Intertech
Tuesday, Nov 17, 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to create a secured restful Web API from scratch using .NET DataStore and SnapDevelop. Topics covered include: connect the Web API to multiple databases; secure the Web API using an IDaaS; packaging the DataWindows with IDataPacker to make a single call.
Tuesday, Nov 17, 12:10 PM - 1:05 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to use the new asynchronous programming features with SnapDevelop, .NET DataStore, and SnapObjects. Topics covered include: new scaffolding templates, how to use the new APIs of the .NET DataStore and SQLModelMapper, how to perform debugging of asynchronous methods, etc.
Govinda Lopez, Appeon Technology Evangelist, Appeon
Tuesday, Nov 17, 1:05 PM - 1:50 PM EST | Add to calendar
Learn how to migrate your DataWindows and business logic to C#. Leverage the .NET DataStore for creating RESTful Web Services that can be consumed by any modern UI Technology including PowerBuilder, ASP .NET Core, JavaScript, Angular, REACT Native, etc. Topics covered include: how to migrate existing DW’s and business logic to C#, creating the RESTful Web API, testing the Web API, publishing it and consuming it with PowerBuilder or ASP .NET Core.
Govinda Lopez, Appeon Technology Evangelist, Appeon
Tuesday, Nov 17, 1:50 PM - 2:35 PM EST | Add to calendar